AAPL: iʻm holding my breath. we all could be regretting we didnʻt buy 200strike LEAPS after Jan earnings. uʻd be sitting on some $$$ now. but year after year has proven to me to wait til January(MacWorld), tho after Nov is a good time for short-term calls
SNCR: iʻll grab a small position as i hear iPhone news abroad hitting it big in November...
VMW: no doubt itʻll get 120 by January. i donʻt have enuf $ to go around.
GME: man, another analyst (manipulator) opens his mouth to get the stock down. and i lose before i even own the stock a full day... i briefly thot of puts to protect my position. but this is a long bull no doubt once holiday talk starts. Halo adds interest.
BIDU: things are chillinʻ out a bit, itʻs jus taking a break...
GS: solid. tho ainʻt moving my weak jan calls.
PALM: nice centro smartphone for $99. too bad itʻs sprint. you canʻt compare it to other smartphones. the people who buy them are willing to spend more...
MOT: iʻve added these guys to my watch... tho i donʻt like PALMs new fone, it canʻt be good for the MOT.
LEND: yawn...
i constantly want to add new plays. but my attention span doesnʻt allow it. iʻve sufferred losers play ORCL, DELL, PALM contracts. i will stick to the big boys that move, so despite the bullish statements of INTC, iʻm thinking of instead adding SNDK (reversed head & shoulders, fundamentally, look at all the smartphones coming out with SD slots)...they report Oct 18.
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