Monday, October 1, 2007


RIMM: cʻmon give me the numbers!!!
Anxiety. Thatʻs how i describe this situation... each day wallstreet seems to feel the same, just waitinʻ especially if youʻre holding Oct calls far out as i am so... what did i learn?
HINDSIGHT: shoulda sold Oct120call prior to friday after all 150% gain? hello!!!
my moving to Nov115 calls was a good idea, albeit as i alluded to an earlier post, i shoulda done it this past friday...

AAPL: itʻs driving me nut that iʻm not in this stock... EVERYWEEK! therz a new hi, and constant upgrades. tho i know itʻs big day awaits. opportunities on the horizon. i will eyeball this stock soon.
SNCR: havenʻt followed them much really...
VMW: kickinʻ butt alright. if they whack 90 i will be on the prowl (like i shoulda wen they skied past 80.
BIDU: trending flat to down. the hype has slowed... itʻs a healthy dip. i may get in as option holders flee...

PALM: itʻs revealed!!! ha!!! i hope to get some lost funds off of dumb analyst pumping this loser. game over... iʻm lookin past Janʻ08 puts.
LEND: no sense looking at these guys til earnings. wish i didnʻt touch them.

GME: itʻs a doubt. no options here tho til november.

Plan: when the smoke clears on RIMM get out!!! if it blows expectations i will hold RIMM oct for 2 days only. Nov will be riding for a bit, and i will spray a few puts if thereʻs a 10%+ day(s). At that point i will move to AAPL.

-oct120calls (bought 9/19@.65) today:1.29 (peak 1.95)
-nov115calls (bought 9/26@4.035) today:3.2 (peak 4?)
GS: jan290 (bought 9/19@.45stop laughing) today: 0.3
PALM: jan10puts (bought8/13@.20) today: 0.15
LEND: ʻ09jan10puts (bought9/19@.32) today:0.25

stocks: GME (bot 9/26@58.82) today: 56.15

so what did i learn?
-sell them 150% gains dude
-move options of earnings month if far the following month

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