I am really ticked off having woken up, thinking that my trade triggers were set...and saw i was still holding them. WHAT? So, my stop @20% gain turned out to be 13%+ loses. I was up as much as 30% today. Whatʻs up with that!
On a swing day like this i shouldʻve stayed up and manually placed them orders... i missed the tops...in buying puts
Itʻs Bear time... I sold ALL my calls(that didnʻt trigger correctly... no middle-fencing here...here we go...
GOOG: Dec500put (far yes, but the 2 tier supports (or for bears resistance) are found@614 & 580 is what i see...bottom being 521 (200d EMA), so thatʻs where i pulled out that 500...i donʻt need it to even come close to touching it.

AAPL: Dec150put. Could argue support from 145 to 150... I do think Apple will be fresh come January 15thʻs MacWorld...so i welcome the stock falling...

RIMM: Dec106.6put... the 2 supports iʻm eyeing 100 & 86...

FSLR: Dec125put... this stock is still far above itʻs 50EMA@135. it only makes sense...

I will close this post by saying after placing all those put orders in 2 minutes...each started posting 5%-20% gains.
Portfolio A (Portfolio B a.k.a stash remains unopened) as a result is now as silly and itʻs bottom since FEBʻ07... Iʻm stand by the roadside with a sign that says, "BRAINLESS, PLEASE GIVE ME COINS." (I donʻt need food...or a job...just coins to give to the MAN...)
Tomorrow will spell tell us whatʻs going to happen the next 2 weeks. As they say @ the Price Is Right, "COME ON DOWN!"
1 comment:
Yesterday's rally was a short cover rally. IGNORE ALL NEWS. News is irrelevant right now. Only supports and resistance because volume is totally out of balance! Yesterday was very bearish. Today confirmed that. Look at all the failed follow-throughs in tech leaders! This is really starting to look like "the top". I still believe, once the dollar rallies, the who global markets get zapped!
ANyway, seems like you're taking down the big boys. These ones fight hard, so just get ready to double down, or at least go for the long term.
For me... it's too soon to see set-ups for put buying. It's a little too erratic before trends change + we get options expiry this week. Nevertheless, I do have puts in some grossly overbought stocks.
la di da di dah. Did u see Fly today? I think he threw in the towel. Meanwhile, Tim's Fibonacci retrace levels are quite breathtaking!
I'm just keeping it simple. Find the breakdowns, and attack.
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