Today calls for patience. FOMC minutes @ 2p.m. EST. I hope to find a dip in MON today going into tomorrows earnings. I hope to place a small call position. i am not gonna get too technical. itʻs still not overhyped (100% above 200 EMA). it implies a bullish outlook and coincides with my belief that Ag is a strong buy in this market (prior to summer, then itʻs back to energy).

GPN also reports. itʻs been trading sideways for basically through the more volatile sessions. it is worth looking at for somewhat of an interesting trade based on the chart. i dont know much except that they are related to credit transactions. so, i think iʻll stay out. but i will watch and learn.
1 comment:
Hey... My man Z had a stranggle play on GPN and MON... I not familiar with MON, but I do know GPN! If ur not sure about buying calls or puts, do a 'bias stranggle'next time... I showed that to Z, and he thinks its cool.
The reason I like those satellite radio stocks?... SONgZA!!! More on this later...
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