Thursday, May 6, 2010

I'm still here... and am SHOCKED that certain options are still green

well, it's amazing to see the bottom feeders popping up again...

the July 320 call versus my original buy is actually still green... how is that possible? i mean did u see what happen to AAPL's stock? it nose dived 50 points!!! 50 points!!! it was like 2000 tech bubble crash all over again... and then it snaps back 40 points... IN JUST A MATTER OF 20 MINUTES close down 'only' about 10... Goldman... have you been buying?

Anyway, it would be a good time to travel to Europe this coming year... $1 vs EU 1.27 or .79 Eu vs. $1... it's the best i've seen since April 2009...

Well, APPLE the company should do ok regarding the number of iPad units going out the door. Not to mention the next iPhone, iMacs, i-something... i personally think iAds will be huge. possibly bigger than the App Store (which you can check on this blog) that i formerly thought would be the biggest thing for Apple in terms of revenue. The App store as it turns out has continued to differentiate itself from other WebStore/App fronts.

Bed time... oh, i predict much Bottom feeders a plenty if not tomorrow, next week... we'll see...


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